Tuesday, February 26, 2008

whoa dude.

light the fireworks, just to watch everyone stare up to the sky
thousands of years of so-called progression
and bright lights still turn heads
i think thats why I'm so in love with her
the fire in her eyes keeps me warm at night
avert my gaze for just a minute and she'd burn the house down
oh! what a night!
all the water in the world couldn't put us out.

theres plenty of fish in the sea
but she caught me.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


she paints my insides with butterflies
her toes buckle over from the stress of always standing on the tips
i wouldn't trade her in for a million dollar bills
because she's my million dollar baby.
she's worth ever last risk, and every last "phone a friend"
she makes me feel like I'm on both sides of the fence,
a part of me is always content, and a part of me always wants more of her,
the bruises on my back explain it all.

she's the lamp, and I'm the moth
she's the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life,
so I'd die for just one touch.
I maybe her knight in shining armor, but she's my sword
without each other we would surely fall.

we mark the lost ground we make in smiles and "nips on the cheek"

I'm not perfect, i can't always explain how i feel in first person.
the hardest part was finding someone who can hear me nonetheless.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'll make dinner, if you make breakfast

i feel like I'm back on track,
or back on the road
depending on whether i want to go "tires" or "soles"
i go with the prior, I'm tired of walking on my own two feet
carry me back to my bedroom floor
spent far to much time alone
like spare change drawn from empty pockets
i just couldn't afford to feel that way any longer

she's not like the others
she doesn't flip coins to the poor just to watch them fall
she means every word that water's the rose that grows inside of me

i was burnt out to the butt of my cigarette
she lit me back to life again
she's the sweetest cancer caught in my throat

Sunday, February 10, 2008

today i became the sea.

this is more or less, but most likely more,
closer to the truth
then any of the lies i let pass from my lips
honestly, I'm hopelessly short of my dreams
in the "on my tip toes, just can't reach" kind of way
i grow taller each year though,
i got the pen marks on my wall to prove it
eyes wide and an open casket
all comes together for my disaster
i believe in a god that hates religion
i don't trust in anything (wo)man made
I've lost count of the amount of "fours"
I've crossed out into "fives"
to number the relationships that have eaten me up inside
no ones without flaw, but we're not all at fault
we're just trying to find someone with a hint of soul
it only really takes a smile to shake me up inside
it's the 'follow up' that comes down to the win or loss.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I Pass.

under doctors orders, to replace my
guts and insides, for butterflies
fair trade, I'll string myself up and fly away

to late for a distinction
you know what they say about, dinner and business
when reason ran away with the moon
the stars came out to dance in two's

these are my best laid plans, as long as we're lying down
walk with me down the aisle, hand in hand behind our backs
we found fingers crossed gives us some sense of class

Thursday, February 7, 2008

confidence is key

i got it in crates out the back of my mind,
i think its time i stocked up the shelves.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

an escape pod for one (wait, theres two of us?)

I'm cutting myself off, but can't help but think i have no control.
like a fisherman and the fish,
I've been strung up, framed then thrown in and left behind.
thirty seconds of fame, thirty seconds of feeling alive,
only to be left swimming sideways with the sharks.
"theres plenty more fish in the sea."
pity this only means less attention for me.
my hearts in her handbag
the kind where it takes hours to find a thing.
"oh look i found my keys!"
nearly three months later, she still can't find me.
shake hands with strangers.
goes against everything i was ever told.
but it's either 'fold' or break my own rules.
i have to take second chances.
because I've run out of first impressions.

I've gone from a dreamer to a realist,
i think i lost something through the change.

will this weather ever end

the forcastes are for telling a future of either fake smiles and sunshine or rain made up of tears and the sweat it takes to make something work.

yeah i'm drinking.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I Have An Itch You'll Form A Rash

I'm a hopeless romantic for the hopelessly lost
what goods love when your stuck on the block
the kind with your hands tied with a 49' squarely placed at the foot of your neck.
theres just no getting out of it alive.
which ever way you look at it, I'm looking at it now,
my eyes never lie, and I'll sure never trust in my sixth sense,
its tempting me with temptations of greatness.
work it out
or head down south,
works for those up north but if i took your advice
I'd find myself tongue stuck up to the ice block.
yeah I'm that lonely.
you leaving me with no reason brings down self esteem
like a jump off the tallest building with nothing but the anvil tied up to my ankle.
brings me down just a little faster.

in this season we'll find peace,
or pieces with no one left to pick them up.

was the cut out fate,

or should i tell the telephone to leave it up to me to make my own mistakes?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

my dreams

are growing faster than the people around me can run.

I Light A Dark Room With An Idea..

And my past lit up behind me, as if to say
go on 'kid, your going the right way
in the night i stabbed a vampire in the gut
"this is my world" i said, "find your own."
'too late for apologies', i don't get it.
is their a 'too early for apologies'?
and if so, am i running on time?
sing along to the saddest song we can find
while i dig a 99,
one short, but one step there
lets 2-step all the way to the G's and units.

call for peace with a hand grenade
I'm not one for politics
but we all have our obligations
and as long as history keeps looking down
I'll be hanging out in the lost and found.

19,000 years from now, find the old chest and dust it down.