Monday, December 24, 2007

Theres Two Sides To Every Coin, But You Keep Turning Heads

i don't mean to call you out
with your guard down,
give it up and lie down, your found out
for the superstar of fakes,
that you've come known to be

your giving me a name
with ever step in the wrong direction
give it up, your wasting your time
walking down empty halls of fame

sweep her off of her feet
and spin her around
she keeps weaving her web around and over this town
sweep her off of her feet
and spin her around
just care not to call her out

for you pretending regrets don't exist comes easy
kicking up the courage to make me pay for
past mistakes and my disdain
for you tying down all my dreams
the best chance i have to dig my own grave
your tearing at my door just save it for
your scrapbook letters of "I'll do better"
that I'll never ever get to read

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